Data Privacy

Under this section you will find related news, publications and press reviews. Although the materials presented herein are by their nature selective, we aim to ensure you a better understanding on the developments of our practice.


Libra Internet Bank and Monese launch Romanian IBAN accounts in RON

April 21, 2020

COVID-19: Privacy Laws. Implications

Legal Kit COVID-19 | March 26, 2020

PNSA advised VIA SMS Group on its entry in Romania

February 13, 2018

Enforcement and Sanctions Under the GDPR

Legal Update | January 29, 2018

Data Privacy Impact Assessment at a glance / All you need to know

Legal Update | January 15, 2018

Suntem gata? Implementarea Regulamentului General privind Protecția Datelor cu Caracter Personal

Piața Financiară | 21 Decembrie 2017

GDPR: Relations and responsibilities in the processing of personal data (controllers, processors and sub-processors)

Legal Update | October 30, 2017

Companies are welcoming a new team player – the Data Protection Officer

Legal Update | October 19, 2017

The clock is ticking. Implementing the General Data Protection Regulation

Legal Update | October 05, 2017

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